Academics | Faculties | Faculty Test | Department of Music | Bachelor of Arts in Music and Musicology - Arabic Musicology | NDU

Bachelor of Arts in Music and Musicology - Arabic Musicology


The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Musicology offers the students the opportunity to develop competence and expertise in the areas of music, history, theory, analysis, and composition. Learners will further acquire professional skills in voice and instrument playing. In addition, the B.A. in Music presents many interesting and challenging opportunities to students as teachers, performers, creative artists, and employees in the music industry.

Total Credits
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A concentration in the different schools of Arabic Music, from Al-Kindi and Al-Farabi to the modern era. Students will be proficient in at least one oriental instrument.


Admission Requirements

Prior to admission, applicants will be subject to a practical evaluation, which covers instrument, voice, and musical background.


Graduation Requirements

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Music, a student must complete a total of 99 credits with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3/4.0 in all Core and Major Courses. Any major course with a grade of less than “C” must be repeated. The 99 credits necessary for graduation are divided as follows:



Overall GPA
Core & Major
Cumulative GPA
Total 99 Credits

Graduate Degrees

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