Stacy Fahrenthold, PhD Candidate, USA
Stacy Fahrenthold is a PhD Candidate in World History at Northeastern University, USA. Her dissertation project, “The Global Levant: Making a Nation in the Syrian- Lebanese Diaspora,” focuses on emigrant participation in Lebanese and Syrian nationalist discourses during the 1913-1939 period. Triangulating the Syrian and Lebanese communities in Argentina, Brazil and the United States, the researcher makes use of the transnational Arabic press and emigrant associations to argue that the Lebanese nahda's second wave, forged in the American mahjar, influenced the nationalist trajectories of the Middle Eastern homeland. Her larger interests include the migration of intellectuals, transnational exchange of ideas, and the development of diasporic civil society. Aside from her affiliation with the Lebanese Emigration Research Center (Notre Dame University), she has also affiliated with the Immigration History Research Center (University of Minnesota).