Sustainable Hospitality Management - HTM 345
This course has
been designed to provide the students with a
solid theoretical and practical understanding of
sustainable hospitality management. It enables
them to critically examine the key concepts of
sustainable hospitality and develop a sustainable
management program for accommodation and
food service operations. The major topics covered
are the principles of sustainable hospitality
based on its three pillars (environmental,
economic, and socio-cultural), environmental
management systems (EMS) applied to waste,
water, and energy, building management
systems (BMS), eco-design in hospitality
architecture, responsible consumerism, local
sourcing, responsible procurement, responsible
recruitment, communicating, and reporting
responsible hospitality practices according to
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), international
certifications, and standards of sustainability for
Tourism, Hospitality, and Event (THE) operations.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.