General Agriculture



Discover the Foundations of Agriculture with NDU's Lifelong Learning Program. Agriculture serves as the backbone of our society, providing sustenance, fuel, and resources essential for life. Our program offers a comprehensive exploration of key principles, practices, and innovations in agriculture.

Delve into topics such as crop cultivation, livestock management, soil science, irrigation techniques, and agricultural sustainability. Gain insights into the latest advancements in precision agriculture, agribusiness management, and rural development.

Develop practical skills through hands-on experiences, fieldwork, and industry internships. Learn from leading experts in the field, who share valuable insights and real-world applications to help you succeed in the dynamic world of agriculture.


Module 1: Plant Production and Protection
Module 2: Exploring Sustainable Agriculture Practices
Module 3: Understanding the Science of Gardening
Module 4: Advanced Techniques in Modern Agriculture and Fruit Management


USD 960

Type of Certification
