Goals and Objectives

Goals and Objectives


Promoting Top Researchers:

We prioritize supporting top researchers in nutrition and obesity to translate their findings into practical strategies for progress. Through mentorship, funding, and recognition, we empower researchers to contribute meaningfully to public health.

Enabling Scientific Discovery:

We provide sophisticated Core services to researchers, including cutting-edge laboratories and advanced tools, fostering collaboration and innovation. By facilitating interdisciplinary partnerships, we address complex scientific challenges effectively.

Sharing Knowledge and Insights:

Beyond research, we share knowledge through robust education and outreach programs. These efforts raise awareness about nutrition and obesity, empowering individuals to make informed health decisions through workshops, seminars, and online resources.



1. Establish and enhance a multidisciplinary clinical activity that offers evidence-based interventions for the prevention and treatment of obesity.

2. Conduct comprehensive research to deepen our understanding of obesity, including its causes, risk factors, and effective intervention strategies.

3. Develop and implement educational initiatives for healthcare professionals, community members, and policymakers, with the goal of raising awareness, promoting healthy behaviors, and fostering a culture of obesity prevention.

4. Secure external funds for research and clinical initiatives to ensure the financial sustainability of the center.

5. Engage faculty members across disciplines in both clinical and research activities, fostering a collaborative environment that attracts diverse expertise and addresses the multifaceted aspects of obesity.

6. Publish research findings in reputable international journals and conference proceedings, contributing to the global knowledge base on obesity and ensuring the dissemination of evidence-based practices.

7. Organize and host conferences periodically, bringing together experts, practitioners, and stakeholders to exchange ideas, share advancements, and strategize on addressing the challenges posed by obesity.

8. Develop and disseminate recommendations and guidelines on obesity-related issues, translating research findings into actionable insights for healthcare practitioners, policymakers, and the wider community.

Through these objectives, COPTER aims to integrate clinical excellence with cutting-edge research, education, and community engagement, establishing itself as a dynamic hub for addressing the complexities of obesity and making a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of individuals and communities.