How We Combat Obesity

How We Combat Obesity

Treatment and Clinical Services: 

Provide medical and behavioral interventions for weight management, including pre- and post-operative care for bariatric surgery patients. Emphasize a multidisciplinary approach involving experts from diverse fields.

Prevention Programs: 

Develop and implement obesity prevention initiatives targeting various age groups, focusing on healthy eating habits and physical activity.


Collect and analyze data on obesity rates, trends, and outcomes to inform research and policy development. Conduct innovative research into obesity causes and treatments.

Education and Training: 

Offer educational programs and training for healthcare professionals to enhance their skills in addressing obesity-related issues.

Public Awareness: 

Raise awareness about the risks of obesity and the importance of maintaining a healthy weight through public health campaigns and community outreach.

Policy Advocacy: 

Advocate for policies supporting obesity prevention and treatment, including initiatives promoting healthier food options and increased physical activity.


Collaborate with healthcare institutions, government agencies, nonprofits, and researchers to share knowledge and resources in combating obesity.

Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: 

Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of COPTER's programs and interventions to ensure positive outcomes and make necessary adjustments.