Street Photography Competition

Street Photography Competition

Photo Competition Call

The Organizing Committee of City Street5 invites authors to submit a photographic diptych for consideration within the theme of "The Time of Streets Incisions, Overlaps and Rhythms". The diptych, as composition of two original photographs, should reveal the role of time in the space of the streets. 

Street, in Portuguese, is translated to rua. According to the first dictionary of the Portuguese language (Bluteau, 1712-1728), rua derives from the Greek word ruo, having the same meaning as the Latin flŭo: a stream of water “because through the streets runs the rainwater, that falls from the roofs (…) also the people run the streets, and each one of them is a stream of people (...).” According to Bluteau, etymologists state that the word rua has the same Latin root as the word ruga, which means wrinkle: “a line, or a groove, caused by the time”. Rua, therefore, congregates the notions of motion and line, in a single word. The street is recognized as a line produced by the effects of time on the skin of the city, as a wrinkle is a testimonial to the passage of years. 

Please read the call requirements carefully prior to submitting your photos and caption. Submissions not fulfilling the requirements will not be considered for the competition.


First prizes and honorable mentions winners will have their photographs edited in the visuals' section of a special issue of IN_BO Open-Access Online Journal (, dedicated to publish the conference's finest papers.


Accepted photographs will be displayed at the conference venue and in a virtual exhibition on the conference website. 

Contest Rules

Professional and amateur photographers and students over 18 years old are eligible to partake in the competition. 

Only one (1) entry, composed of two photographs can be submitted. 

A caption for the diptych must be provided, consisting of a title and a cover text, without a minimum and a maximum of 3,000 characters including eventual notes and references.

Photographs can be in color or black and white. Each photograph must have 1:1 aspect ratio.

Images obtained by illegal or unauthorized access to restricted areas will not be considered for prizes.

Authors must own the rights to the image.

The images must be original and previously unpublished in official magazines or books.

Digital image files will be accepted if the image was shot at the highest resolution using a camera with at least 2.5 megapixels, or if the image is scanned at 300 dpi and a minimum output size of 15x15 cm. Digital image files should be TIFFs or highest-quality JPGs.

Images may be post-produced but cannot be altered.

Photos will be eliminated from the competition if the diptych lacks caption or if photos have date stamps, or are of low technical quality.

A panel of judges, with significant photography and publishing experience, determines the winners. The jury is composed of Ana Aragão, Nuno Cera, Stefanos Antoniadis and Valter Vinagre. The jury's decision is final. 

Authors must complete and sign the attached release statement granting the organizing committee of City Street5 rights to use your image(s). A pdf file with your completed release must be submitted with your digital image files.

The caption with title and cover text (word file), the release statement (pdf file) and the two photos of the diptych (TIFF file) must be submitted as individual files, part of a single ZIP package file, according to the model provided in the submission platform.

The diptych, composed of the two photos, formatted according to the provided layout, must also be submitted in the platform as an individual pdf file.

Authors should submit a short biographical note of 300 characters maximum, spaces included.

Submission is made via the City Street5 Online Submission System (

Important Dates

Submission Period
Start: May 15, 2022
End: June 30, 2022
Winners Announcement: September 9, 2022