Institute of Internet & Technology Addiction | Objectives | NDU

Institute of Internet & Technology Addiction


The institute’s primary goals are to:

  • Conduct interdisciplinary research in the area of Internet and technology addiction;
  • Involve stakeholders to accomplish its mission;
  • Raise awareness among various societal groups and stakeholders about the risks of Internet and technology addiction, and promote prevention;
  • Provide support services and resources for those afflicted by this type of addiction;
  • Lobby concerned officials and policy makers to draft appropriate legislation.


Objective I

  • Conduct scientific interdisciplinary research in the respective areas of Internet and Technology addiction including but not limited to biomedical, health, psychology, education, computer science, and social economic sciences;
  • Publish related research articles in reputable, international journals, which would be consistent with NDU’s mission of "fostering excellence in scholarship”;
  • Involve qualified undergraduate and graduate students from various faculties in research;
  • Collaborate with the Research Grants Office (RGO) to secure research funds.


Objective II

  • Develop processes and improve collaboration;
  • Secure financial support;
  • Increase internal impact, involvement and learning;
  • Benefit the larger community and get the widest outreach possible;
  • Convert theories into practice and plans into actions.


Objective III

  • Conduct scientific interdisciplinary research in the respective areas of Internet and Technology addiction including but not limited to biomedical, health, psychology, education, computer science, and social economic sciences;
  • Develop an integrated communication plan in collaboration with media partners to continuously promote the work of the institute, the resulting research findings and the impact of the institute on society;
  • Host and organize periodic seminars and/or conferences that discuss the socioeconomic and health impacts of Internet and technology overuse/abuse.  These can be of training nature addressed to educators (at all institutional levels, including teachers and administrators), legislators, parents, and students;
  • Set various community engagement initiatives in partnership with consortium members, such as visits/presentations/workshops tackling different stakeholder segments such as schools, universities, parishes, clubs, etc.;
  • Establish student clubs at the University that contribute to the institute’s mission.

Objective IV

  • Establish a training center for training of trainers (TOT);
  • Publish related research articles in reputable, international journals, which would be consistent with Offer services and evidence-based psychotherapeutic approaches.


Objective V

  • Propose legislation to lawmakers.


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