Academics | Faculties | FACULTY OF HUMANITIES | NDU

Note from The Dean

The Faculty of Humanities offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in education, translation/interpretation, literature and language, psychology, advertising/marketing, radio/tv, and journalism/electronic media. In addition, the Faculty offers a B.A. in physical education. These programs are designed to prepare civically-minded and productive graduates endowed with a liberal arts education.

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IAA Accreditation

In 2023, the International Advertising Association (IAA) has once again reaffirmed its accreditation of the BA in Advertising and Marketing program at the Faculty of Humanities (FH). This prestigious accreditation, which extends through 2026, solidifies Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU)’s position as the sole university in Lebanon to offer a degree in Advertising and Marketing that is recognized by the IAA. 

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Tuition Fees

There are numerous considerations to make when choosing a program and cost is certainly one of them.
This section includes all the relevant details regarding tuition fees among other charges.

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News & Events

Faculty Directory

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Fulltime faculty members

    Abouchedid, Kamal
    Alam, Edward
    Jahshan, Paul
      Sabieh, Christine

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