Academics | Faculties | FACULTY OF HUMANITIES | Department of Psychology, Education, and Physical Education | Teaching Diploma in Arabic Language and Literature | NDU

Total Credits
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The Teaching Diploma program is designed to prepare schoolteachers by providing comprehensive training. It caters to both recent graduates with limited experience and current teachers seeking to enhance their scientific preparation. The program covers essential aspects of teaching Arabic, including educational theories, basic educational psychology, classroom discipline and management, testing and evaluation, and various teaching-learning methods.


Admission Requirements

To qualify for admission, a candidate must either be pursuing or hold a recognized BA degree in Arabic.



The Government of Lebanon recognizes the Teaching Diploma as equivalent to the License d’Enseignement if the student holds the Lebanese Baccalaureate Part II and has completed the additional credits required for the Diploma beyond those needed for the BA in Arabic.


Graduation Requirements

To obtain the Teaching Diploma, students must successfully complete 21 credits with a GPA of 2.0/4.0 or higher in the following courses:


Overall GPA
Core & Major
Cumulative GPA
Total 21 Credits
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