The identity of the University and its mission of elevating both the individual human being and the country as a whole are both revealed in its quality teaching, its scholarly activities and research. To these must be added the publication of books, periodicals and conference proceedings with a view to promoting knowledge in the fields of science and culture.
About NDU Publications
The Notre Dame University Press is an integral part of Notre Dame University. It is directly related to the Office of the President while remaining in contact with every other University unit.
What Does It Publish?
It is constitutionally devoted to printing and publishing works that have educational and/or scholarly value. The University administration, however, reserves the right to promote certain subjects/topics it deems important or appropriate for the University academic welfare.
Submissions Requirements
NDU Publications
asks that authors, writers and/or editors of works submit the following materials:
- A statement/proposal addressing the following points:
- Reasons or purpose for writing the work.
- Reasons for publishing the work by the NDU Press. Is the work suited to NDU Publications’ list?
- The expected readership (audience) envisioned for the work. Is the work primarily for specialized readers, or a range of scholars, and/or professionals?
- The subject area of the work. How ‘different’, ‘unique’, ‘useful’ is the work?
- The length of the work and the number of illustrations incorporated, if any.
- A table of contents.
- An outline of the chapters (a paragraph or two describing the content of each chapter).
- A résumé or curriculum vitae for the author(s) and/or editor(s) along with his/her professional affiliation.
- The proposal and the supporting material along with the draft publication of faculty members shall be submitted to the Deans for their preliminary reading. Then after, the Deans shall relay the draft publication to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for final modifications and decision following an evaluation scheme as appropriate.
- The Office of Academic Affairs within its scope and prerogative, shall be in charge of performing necessary evaluation of the submitted work, in terms of content and structure, alongside with concerned specialized reviewers for appropriate editorials (if any) prior to referral to the printing office.
- The Office of Publications will receive the projects from the Office of Academic Affairs, with whom it coordinates. The Office will then consult and cooperate with the source of the publication to ensure that the scientific, technical, legal specifications, and estimate costs (after determining the required quantity and quality) are observed.
- The Office of Publications shall give out and receive each publication based on an inventory comprising all approvals, specifications, quantities and cost detailed in invoices and receipts that are sent to the Director of Finance with a copy kept in the file.
Contracts and Rights
The publications of individual authors are subject to special contracts prepared by the Office of Legal Services in coordination with the Office of Publications and ratified by the University President and concerned parties. The rights of the authors are outlined in the ‘Publishing Agreement’. Finally, it is worth noting that NDU Publications is an integral non-profit unit of Notre Dame University. It pursues its mission by publishing/disseminating information to the scholarly and higher education communities, thus fostering the exchange of ideas and expertise with other similar communities, both inside and outside Lebanon.