May 19, 2021 – After a long wait, the main NDU campus safely and successfully welcomed the first group of Mechanical and Civil Engineering students to conduct their final exams on campus. The Faculty of Engineering at NDU (FE) officially received a memorandum jointly signed by the Head of the Syndicate of Engineers in Lebanon and the Director General of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education instructing universities with faculties of engineering to conduct on-campus exams.
NDU decided to act fast to ensure the successful professional integration and registration of its engineering students who plan to join the syndicate and pursue their professional activities. As such, the University devised a carefully designed plan to safely conduct the exams on campus while avoiding large classes, practicing safe distancing, and exerting all the necessary safety measures.
Dr. Elie Badr, Vice President for Academic Affairs at NDU, explained that this is a promising yet necessary first step for a gradual and eventual on-campus presence while maintaining the necessary safety precautions. He added that the students’ wellbeing and successful future will always be a priority for NDU.
From his side, Dr. Jacques Harb, Dean of FE, thanked all the students who attended the exams for their trust and their drive to overcome challenges.
NDU worked on accommodating all the student needs and cases and wishes all the students a successful examination period.