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01 January 2013

Lord Byron and Genre

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This volume includes selected proceedings of the 38th International Byron Conference, Notre Dame Univer- sity, Lebanon, early July, 2012. Articles are devoted exclusively to Byron’s handing of the poetry and prose genres, specifically in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Don Juan, his Oriental Tales, and other significant works, as well as to his journals and letters. Articles concentrate on Byron’s unequivocal use of satire as basic genre and on his modern projections, manipulations, and use of poetic modes. The impact of Byron’s genre on European and world literatures is also discussed in a few articles exposing Byronism as an ever growing world literary discourse.

Co- authors

Naji Oueijan, John Clubbe, Bernard Beatty, Martin Procházka, Jonathan Gross, Rosemarie Rowley, Shobhana Bhattach arji, Itsuyo Higashinaka, Hiroshi Harata, Samuel Abrahamyan, Savo Karam, Joshua D. Gonslves, Katherine Kernberger, Piya Pal, Lapinski, Joan Blythe, Marcin Leszcz ski, Maya El-Hajj, Nora Liassis, David McLay, Andreas Markrides, Qingbao Song

Edited and Introduced

by Naji B. Oueijan

ISBN 978-9953-558-37-0
Language English
Nº of pages 316
Edition 2013

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