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01 January 2013

Rihlat Al-Nusus

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Rihlat al-Nusus , or A Journey Through Literature , is a scholarly journey par excellence. Dr. Mansour Eid began his present journey in 1997, riding high on the wings of diverse thoughts, literature, cultures, languages, peoples, religions, etc.

The author’s journey draws on the language of Imru’ al-Qais, Al-Jurjani, and Sibawayh, and relates it to the world of technol- ogy and poetry analyses—a duality between the classical and the vernacular. He discusses linguistic pragmatics and attempts to introduce modern technological tools to help learn the Arabic language.

Dr. Eid traveled far in his study of these great works, especially in the role of these works to form cultural and intellectual interactions. He stopped at Lebanese writers, who had played a prominent role in the Arab Renaissance such as Boulos Salameh, Emilie Nasrallah, Michael Neaimeh, Ilia Abou Madi, Ameen Rihani, etc.

In the second leg of his journey, Dr. Eid tackled sensitive issues such as the Muslim-Christian dialogue; the Apostolic Exhorta- tion; the increasing Christian exodus from the Middle East; the Maronite Church; human rights; the dialogue of cultures; globalization; Lebanon’s place in the New World Order; culture; student movements; psychological security; reconcilia- tion with the self; violence...

His journey is indeed a rich one.


Dr. Mansour Edi

ISBN 978-9953-558-39-4
Language Arabic
Nº of pages 325
Edition 2013

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