Pinning Ceremony

Pinning Ceremony

"Always wear it close to your heart with pride and honor."

The Department of Alumni Affairs, Office of Business Strategy and Advancement at Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU) is pleased to invite you, our esteemed alumni, to a momentous occasion—the Pinning Ceremony for the Class of 2024. This ceremony will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. in the Issam Fares Conference Hall on the Main Campus.

We are excited to have Ghassan Kosta, an illustrious alumnus from the Class of 2004 (BE’04) and the Regional General Manager at Google Cloud, as our guest speaker for the evening.


Please join us in celebrating the hard work, dedication, and success of our graduating class. This ceremony is not just a rite of passage but a symbol of the enduring bond between NDU and its alumni. Let us come together to inspire the next generation of leaders and innovators.


The Department of Alumni Affairs

Office of Business Strategy and Advancement