Degree Requirements
Students are required to fulfill the following requirements in order to be eligible for a Bachelor’s degree:
- Completing all required credits for the degree;
- Fulfilling satisfactorily all course requirements for the degree as well as remedial/intensive courses given upon admission;
- Fulfilling all other admission requirements;
- Satisfying the residency requirements for the degree;
- Maintaining the required minimum cumulative GPA for the major and core courses required for the degree, as specified by the Department concerned;
- Maintaining good academic discipline; and
- Settling all accounts with the University.
These conditions must be met together with the degree requirements in effect during the semester of the student’s first registration at NDU. This shall also apply to reinstated students. Readmitted students, however, must meet the degree requirements in effect during the semester of their readmission, unless their readmission letter states otherwise.
Students who do not have the required cumulative GPA of 2.0/4.0 for the degree and/or the required cumulative GPA for the major and core courses required for the degree, but yet have completed all other requirements, may repeat up to 5 courses, as approved by the Academic Advisor, to meet the required numerical level(s).
Diploma Is only Issued once.
Second Degree Requirements
A student with a Bachelor’s degree may register for another degree at NDU after being accepted by the University. Such a student must:
- Satisfy all the requirements for the new degree in accordance with the statements of Section I of this Policy;
- Have a residency of at least two full semesters; and
- Complete at least 30 credits in the new degree over and above the credits already used to satisfy the first degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0/4.00;
- Be exempted from LAC and free elective courses upon clearance by the respective faculty.