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Fr. Bechara Khoury, President


Vice Presidents

Dr. Michel El Hayek, Vice President for Academic Affairs 

Dr. Antoine Farhat, Vice President for University Advancement


Acting Vice Presidents

Fr. Pierre Ghsoub, Acting Vice President for Finance 

Fr. Charbel Haddad, Acting Vice President for Administration


Office of the President Staff

Nancy Turc, Executive Assistant to the President
Mary Khoueiry, Secretary 


Office of Internal Audit

Elie Safar, University Internal Auditor

Andrée Kahy, Senior Officer, Internal Audit


Office of Legal Services

Faten Youssef, University Legal Counsel


Office of Human Resources

Cendrella Mjaes, Director
Nabil Saber, Associate Director, University Compliance

Christine Abou Khalil Gabriel, Head, Compensation and Benefits

Rana Choucair, Senior Payroll Specialist

George Andary, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist 

Rita Sawaya, Senior Officer, Insurance
Jad Khalil, Junior Officer, Labor Relations


Campus Ministry

Fr. Joseph Khalil, University Chaplain General

Fadia El-Hage, Head


School of Music and NDU Choir 

Fr. Khalil Rahme, Director 

Fares El Badri, Secretary to the Director

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