About NDU | Offices | Offices | Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs | Office of International Relations | NDU

The world has developed into a global network of interaction, affecting cultures both locally and internationally. Educational systems are evolving to provide new international perspectives that foster the development of students, staff, faculty, programs, and institutions.


The mission of the Office of International Relations (OIR) at Notre Dame University- Louaize (NDU) is to develop and administer academic cooperation programs with universities, associations, and organizations around the world. We will achieve this mission through collaboration with the NDU community and adherence to NDU’s identity, mission, and values.


The Office of International Relations aims to establish a culture that promotes and develops a peaceful, fair, cooperative, and sustainable environment.


The Office of International Relations:

  • Serves as an archive for international educational agreements;
  • Develops international educational agreements;
  • Manages all international educational agreements;
  • Assesses effectiveness of international educational agreements;
  • Identifies and nurtures international educational agreements; and
  • Advises and assists incoming and outgoing personnel.


A list of NDU’s memberships in and agreements with regional and international organizations is shown below:


  • Serve as an Archive for International Educational Agreements;
  • Develop International Educational Agreements;
  • Manage All International Educational Agreements;
  • Assess Effectiveness of International Educational Agreements;
  • Identify and Nurture International Educational Programs;
  • Advise and Assist Incoming and Outgoing Personnel.


Activity Type
Example Management
Fulbright, FUCE
Operating Procedure

The following Operating Procedure is in accordance with the NDU Student Exchange Policy approved by the University Council and the Board of Trustees.


Exchange/Internship Programs (Managed by OIR-NDU)

Instituting New Exchange/Internship Agreements

We encourage all NDU members to establish connections with international institutions and initiate the process of designing academic cooperation agreements that benefit their respective units. The procedure for establishing new agreements is as follows:

1. A preliminary draft of the agreement is created by the two parties. The initiator of the agreement at NDU, whether it's OIR, Faculties, or NDU personnel (faculty members, staff, or directors), negotiates the terms with the external party and drafts the initial version of the agreement. We recommend referencing the "NDU MoU Template" and coordinating with OIR to ensure essential articles are included in the initial draft.

2. Prior to any signatures (from NDU or the other party), the preliminary agreement should be sent to OIR for review.

3. Following completion of the OIR review and consensus, OIR forwards the agreement to NDU Legal Counsel, who provides feedback to OIR. OIR then conveys the NDU Legal Counsel's recommendations to the negotiating parties.

4. The final draft, approved by all parties, is submitted by OIR to the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs for signatures.

5. OIR maintains copies of signed agreements and forwards them to the NDU initiator and the other party.

Once the agreement is finalized, OIR will manage the agreements as outlined below.


Assessing Established Agreements

OIR will evaluate the effectiveness of agreements based on three criteria:

1. The number of NDU personnel who participated.
2. An exit survey administered by OIR to gather feedback from participants.
3. Consultations with the units that initiated the agreement.

This data will be presented to the Council of Deans for evaluation and discussion.

Renewing Expiring Agreements

When a decision is made to renew an agreement, with or without modifications, the renewal follows a procedure similar to establishing a new agreement. All agreements must first be approved by NDU Legal Counsel, who forwards them to OIR for further processing and signatures.

Managing Agreements

OIR will notify ALL relevant NDU personnel of due dates and application procedures related to each agreement. OIR will collect applications and oversee the review process. Once participants are selected, the relevant academic units will assist students in designing their curriculum abroad. OIR will coordinate with NDU administration and the pertinent offices at the partnering institution to facilitate administrative functions, such as student registration, housing, and transportation.

Exchange/Internship Programs (Not Managed by NDU)

OIR will inform students, staff, and faculty of relevant academic international opportunities offered by external institutions. Additionally, OIR will identify and foster international opportunities that could benefit NDU personnel. OIR will also provide assistance to NDU personnel during the application process.
Pre-Requisites for NDU Students to Apply

Exchange/Internship Programs (Managed By OIR-NDU)

The selection criteria and prerequisites for applying will vary depending on the specific agreements established by the NDU unit. OIR will communicate the specific requirements to students, staff, and faculty. In general, undergraduate students should maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5, while graduate students should have a GPA of at least 3.0. Additionally, applicants should have completed one year of studies and have at least one more semester remaining at NDU following the exchange/internship activity before graduating.

Exchange/Internship Programs (Not Managed by NDU)

The selection criteria and prerequisites for applying will vary for specific agreements. OIR will inform students, staff, and faculty of the specific requirements for each program. 

Procedures for NDU Students to Apply

Exchange/Internship Programs (Managed By OIR-NDU)

Student Exchange/Internship

Students are required to submit the following documents via email or in person to rnajem@ndu.edu.lb:
1. “Student Cover Page”: Please complete the attached form.
2. Unofficial Transcript of Grades: Include a SIS printout for all semesters.
3. Curriculum Vitae.
4. “Student Personal Statement”: Please complete the attached form. 
5. Letter(s) of support from a faculty member: At least one letter is required. 

*Application files and procedures may vary for specific programs. OIR will notify students of any changes to the application procedure.


Staff Exchange/Internship

Staff members should submit the following documents via email or in person to rnajem@ndu.edu.lb:
1. “Staff Cover Page”: Please complete the attached form. 
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Staff Personal Statement”: Please complete the attached form. 
4. Letter(s) of support from a supervisor: At least one letter is required.


*Application files and procedures may vary for specific programs. OIR will inform staff of any changes to the application procedure.


Faculty Exchange/Internship

Faculty members should submit the following documents via email or in person to rnajem@ndu.edu.lb:
1. “Faculty Cover Page”: Please complete the attached form. 
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. “Faculty Personal Statement”: Please complete the attached form. 
4. Letter(s) of support from the Department Chair or Dean: At least one letter is required.


*Application files and procedures may vary for specific programs. OIR will inform faculty of any changes to the application procedure.


Exchange/Internship Programs (Not Managed By NDU)

OIR will provide students, staff, and faculty with information regarding the application procedures for each specific program and will offer assistance in completing the applications.

Review and Selection Procedure

Exchange/Internship Programs (Managed by OIR-NDU)

OIR will establish a committee consisting of 3-5 relevant experts tasked with ranking applicants and selecting participants through a voting process. During the selection meeting, one member of OIR (non-voting) will be present to complete a reporting form assessing the fairness of the selection process.

Students will receive notifications regarding the status of their application from either OIR or the relevant department at NDU.

Exchange/Internship Programs (Not Managed by NDU)

Most of these programs are subject to review by external organizations. However, for programs that require internal review at NDU, OIR will assemble a committee of 3-5 relevant experts to rank applicants and select participants through a voting process. This committee will include at least one member of OIR (non-voting), who will complete a reporting form to evaluate the fairness of the selection process. 
Pre-Selection of Exchange/Internship Participants

Students, staff, and faculty from international institutions who are planning to attend NDU should contact the Office of International Relations (OIR) for assistance with administrative and residency matters.


NDU students and personnel should initially reach out to the OIR for support with administrative concerns. Students are encouraged to use the "Student Travel Checklistt" to ensure that all requirements are completed before their travel. Additionally, OIR will coordinate with the partnering institution to facilitate the travel arrangements for NDU personnel. An OIR Course Substitution Form is available for registration at NDU during international activities.

Post-Completion of the Exchange/Internship Activity
Following the conclusion of the exchange/internship activity, OIR will conduct an exit interview to gather feedback, including suggestions for improving the international experience. OIR will also request captioned photos from the participants, with their prior approval, for display purposes.

Dr. May Akl, Director

E-mail: makl@ndu.edu.lb

Office: FH 0.44

Rania Najem, Senior Officer

E-mail: rnajem@ndu.edu.lb

Office: SAO -3.80

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