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Procedures for NDU Students to Apply

Exchange/Internship Programs (Managed By OIR-NDU)

Student Exchange/Internship

Students are required to submit the following documents via email or in person to rnajem@ndu.edu.lb:
1. “Student Cover Page”: Please complete the attached form.
2. Unofficial Transcript of Grades: Include a SIS printout for all semesters.
3. Curriculum Vitae.
4. “Student Personal Statement”: Please complete the attached form. 
5. Letter(s) of support from a faculty member: At least one letter is required. 

*Application files and procedures may vary for specific programs. OIR will notify students of any changes to the application procedure.


Staff Exchange/Internship

Staff members should submit the following documents via email or in person to rnajem@ndu.edu.lb:
1. “Staff Cover Page”: Please complete the attached form. 
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Staff Personal Statement”: Please complete the attached form. 
4. Letter(s) of support from a supervisor: At least one letter is required.


*Application files and procedures may vary for specific programs. OIR will inform staff of any changes to the application procedure.


Faculty Exchange/Internship

Faculty members should submit the following documents via email or in person to rnajem@ndu.edu.lb:
1. “Faculty Cover Page”: Please complete the attached form. 
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. “Faculty Personal Statement”: Please complete the attached form. 
4. Letter(s) of support from the Department Chair or Dean: At least one letter is required.


*Application files and procedures may vary for specific programs. OIR will inform faculty of any changes to the application procedure.


Exchange/Internship Programs (Not Managed By NDU)

OIR will provide students, staff, and faculty with information regarding the application procedures for each specific program and will offer assistance in completing the applications.

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