Academics | Faculties | FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND ECONOMICS | Department of Management and Marketing | BBA in Entrepreneurship - AACSB Accredited Program | NDU

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Entrepreneurship in the modern millennium is not only the cornerstone of business management and marketing but also that of the mobile global community. Whether the creative spark of innovation is social, corporate, acquired, or startup, it impacts people, organizations, and the modern world.
The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics currently offers a Bachelor in Business Administration degree with various concentrations. Within a proactive faculty, the Department of Management and Marketing unlike that in any other School of Business in Lebanon, proposes a BBA-Entrepreneurship concentration that is customizable. The new undergraduate concentration cultivates an understanding and practice of entrepreneurship that uniquely meets its holder’s areas of expertise. As such, this undergraduate Department of Management and Marketing concentration builds and expands entrepreneurial skills essential not only to students in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics but across faculties at Notre Dame University-Louaize.
Within this entrepreneurship concentration, groundbreaking educators, researchers, and practitioners work with students to foster and nourish an entrepreneurial spirit, an experiential and cross disciplinary approach as students acquire a liberal arts general education framework. They start their journey of education by learning how to perceive a need in the market, use a feasibility study to better understand and develop that “need” into a business plan, then pitch, look for funds, and finally set up a business through brainstorming, thinking critically, creatively, designing, formulating, and implementing inside the Entrepreneurial Lab, in classes, and in the market. MOUs with private and/or public incubators will be generated exclusively to support this entrepreneurship program. With that in hand, students kick off their concentration by working innovatively inside a company and/or opening up their own company.
The main competitive advantage of this program is that it offers the possibility of tailoring the curriculum according to the business venture idea. In fact, students will be able to choose courses from different baskets that would best match their start-up plan. This program is also cross-disciplinary and it was built based on a comparative curricular study and was adjusted upon the review of two experts from the field. A mapping was completed relating the skills needed in the market and the courses offered within the program.
In short, the concentration allows university students to step outside the box of standardized curriculum: Learning is customized whereby each entrepreneurial degree is unique. Five baskets allow students to design their own area of concentration in terms of Human Relations, Marketing, Track, Interdisciplinary, and Communication preparing them to immediately be part of the job market as essential training is integrated.
Consistent with the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics mission, the entrepreneurial concentration provides academic rigor and career preparation of a liberal arts academic environment even though the concentration is customized, By the end of the program, graduates will have learned essential courses and be “entrepreneurs” in the mobile global community.



The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (FBAE) is an accredited member of AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. AACSB accreditation is known, worldwide, as the longest-standing, most recognized form of specialized accreditation that an institution and its business programs can earn. Accreditation is a voluntary, nongovernmental process that includes a rigorous external review of a school's mission, faculty qualifications, curricula, and ability to provide the highest-quality programs.


Admission Requirements

Applicants must pass the Lebanese Baccalaureate Part II (any strand) or its equivalent as identified by the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE). An applicant is accepted if he or she fulfills all the University admission requirements. In addition, there are three states of selection to the BBA, acceptance, conditional acceptance, and rejection. Students may be assigned MAT 105 as a remedial course in light of their composite scores. All first-year applicants must complete the Admission Requirements.


Graduation Requirements

Students seeking a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing must complete a total of 92 credits with an overall average of at least 2.0/4.0 and a minimum average of 2.3/4.0 in the core and concentration requirements. These 92 credits are divided into:



Liberal Arts Curriculum (27cr.)

Elective to Major Course

Choose one 3-credit course from each category. Human Relations: HRM 427, HRM 402, HRM 411. Management and Marketing: MRK 321, MGT 455, MGT 435. Track: ENT 320, ENT 330, ENT 340. Interdisciplinary: Select from other disciplines. Public Relations: MRK 313, JOU 340.

Suggested Program

Fall Semester Year I (12cr.)
ENL 213 Sophomore Rhetoric (LAC) 3 cr.
MGT 201 Fundamentals of Management 3 cr.
ACO 201 Principles of Accounting I  3 cr.
ECN 211 Principles of Microeconomics
3 cr.
Spring Semester Year I (15cr.)
ENT 301
Start-up Business
3 cr.
212 Principles of Macroeconomics
3 cr.
204 Mathematics for Business and Economics I
3 cr.
    English Communication (LAC)
3 cr.

Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC)
3 cr.
Summer Session Year I (4cr.)
STA 220 Applied Statistics 4 cr.
Fall Semester Year II (12cr.)
MRK 201
Fundamentals of Marketing
3 cr.
BAF 311 Principles of Financial Management I
3 cr.
311 Business Law 3 cr.

Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC)
3 cr.
Spring Semester Year II (16cr.)
Organizational Behavior
3 cr.
ENT 455 Design Thinking and Innovation
3 cr.
481 Management Internship
1 cr.

Elective to Major Course: Human Relations
3 cr.

Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC)
6 cr.
Fall Semester Year III (12cr.)
433 Business Policy and Strategic Management
3 cr.
475 New Venture Creation
3 cr.

Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC)
3 cr.
Elective to Major Course: Management and Marketing
3 cr.
Spring Semester Year III (15cr.)
MGT 429 Operations Management 3 cr.
311 Managerial Accounting
3 cr.
    Elective to Major Course: Interdisciplinary 3 cr.
    Elective to Major Course: Track 3 cr.

Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC)
3 cr.
Summer Session Year II (6cr.)
Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) 3 cr.

Elective to Major Course: Public Relations
3 cr.


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