The hospitality, travel, and tourism industry ranks among the top three largest industries
in the world. The Bachelor of Hotel Management and Tourism program at NDU is
designed to prepare students for successful professional and executive careers in the
hospitality and tourism industries by allowing them to specialize in one of the following
three concentrations: Hospitality Management, Food and Beverage Management, and
Events Management.
The various concentrations provide a sound foundation in hotel, food and beverage, and
events management through focused academic coursework, hands-on work experience and
intense interaction with the industry. They also provide relevant educational opportunities for
persons currently employed in these industries wishing to upgrade their skills.
Hospitality and Tourism Management students at NDU benefit from a rare opportunity to
acquire the international management techniques and seek knowledge adapted to their
professional career orientations and specializations.
The academic program follows a dynamic process allowing it to adapt to the evolving
and changing trends in the market. Students are required to perform practical internships
locally and internationally to accumulate experience that will enable them to jump-start
their careers.
Graduation Requirements
Students seeking a Bachelor of Hotel Management and Tourism must complete a total of
103 credits with an overall average of at least 2.0/4.0 and a minimum average of 2.3/4.0 in
the major and concentration requirements. The 103 credits are divided into: